Address: 1212 N. Detroit, Warsaw, IN 46580

Proudly Made in the USA

Turbine Housing

This ductile iron part houses the turbine which powers the impellar on a automobile turbocharger. It takes one shell core made in-house on a D-200 machine. The mold is made on our Hunter 10 (14x19) and casting weight is approximately 51 lbs. After this part has been poured and ground, it is heat treated by a midwest vendor to fall within customer specifications. After it is returned to us it undergoes final finishing, brinell hardness testing, and a visual inspection before being shipped to our customer.
Product Description Turbine housing for exhaust system on turbocharger
Equipment Used

Hunter 10 (14×19 Flask)

D-200 (shell core)

Casting Weight

51 lbs




Ductile Iron 60-40-18

Quality Inspection

Brinell Harndness

Visual Inspection




40 Annually

Lead Times

10 Weeks

State Served
